Hi, I’m Selina Eizk.
Failing many times has helped me realize that the key to business acceleration is operational execution.
“Without strategy, execution is aimless. Without execution, strategy is useless.”― Morris Chang.
Every good plan starts with a strategy. Strategy. Everyone seems to describe the meaning of this differently. Strategys is simply the approach to getting to a goal. Effective strategic planning actually gets you to the goal. An effective plan spends 60% of the time in the planning and 40% of the time in the execution. It takes into account who executes, how you execute, what you use to execute, and how you measure your execution.
Advisory Support: Corporate Strategy & Planning
Operational Execution
Many of the greatest ideas fail because of poor execution. Operational leaders know how to get things done across many people, teams and vendors. They execute with their people by ensuring they have the right teams and people to do the work, they work to improve processes to make things easier for everyone and they inspect what they expect. When we take the time to regularly inspect the work of others, we ensure expectations are clear and healthy communication is happening. This isn’t the same as micro-management. It is simply ensuring things are on track and others are on the same page as we are.
Advisory Support: Leadership Training
A good culture actually starts with your leaders. Not the CEO or founder. My operational roles led to an unexpected revelation where I discovered and experienced the impact of words, stories, and narratives and, most importantly, the power of understanding the "why." I realized the power of intentionality.
Scott Fitzgerald said "Genius is the ability to put into effect what is on your mind." From the standpoint of effective execution, communications is often an ignored weapon. Progress doesn’t happen until and only when you can propel an idea from abstraction to reality. This takes a culture with leaders who can orchestrate all those actions with purposeful communications and be consistent with their understanding of the capabilities, operational context and also the time dynamics. It can't just happen with the CEO and Founders. Estabilishing a culture of trust starts with the leaders who realize tension is a natural element in any organizational construct and to be effective they must align with each other and execute with a purpose.
The hardest thing about executing is change management- which is often forgotten. We simply think "We can move this team or turn on this", but often this change impacts people. This takes constantly reiterting your why, communciating at the right cadence and making every change time-bound. The longer it takes to make the change, the harder it will be for everyone. Start with your people and ensuring that your main focus is motivating those around you to get results with you.
Advisory Support: Change Management Consulting